Fully rendered artworks

Info: This particular artwork is rendered and sketched entirely in ProCreate, though my go-to software is Krita. The artwork shows my interpretation of the animatronics in the game "Five Nights At Freddy's" which I put a lot of care into representing right. So everyone kept their respective core elements and colours.

This piece took me about 11 hours where as 3 of those were spent sketching the characters over and over again until I had a desirable result. I'm also going to note that this artwork includes 5 fully rendered almost full body characters. If it were only one it would've definitely taken me significantly less time.

Full digital references

This reference is made and sketched in Krita although I did have 2 concept sketches on paper. For Zach (The character) it felt important to me to present his back and complicated chainwork rather than him in action or different expressions, so I set the focus accordingly.

I worked on this for about 7 hours, of which most time was consumed, again, sketching the poses and trying to make them work. It only features simple shading,, but since it is a reference I do believe heavy shading would have been out of order.

Simple traditional reference

For this artwork I used dark brown fineliners and alcohol markers, which is my usual medium. This reference was made for Shea in the hopes of showing most of his new design and vibe.

For this I estimate about 2 hours, most of the time spent colouring and rendering. Traditional art requires a lot of focus since it doesn't have a ctrl+z button. And as unforgiving as paper is, it is what I started art with :)
